Thursday, 11 October 2018


Felter Lex Blakeway was at the Cottage today. We were putting up
her  interpretation of a piece of work by Botanical Illustrator Ann Maria Truter, later Lady Barrow.

The drawing was sourced by Ellie Chaney as part of her SJB3 research, and Lex's piece will be  in permanent display at the Cottage, with occasional  visits to the Sir John Barrow Monument next summer.

Many thanks to Lex and to our Framer Diana Merrick.

Dan from Green Lane and me were talking earlier about developing the cottage in order to host small exhibitions, so hopefully Lex's piece will soon be part of a collection.

Those of you who were at Lex's SJB3 workshop at he Library during the summer will be interested in her upcoming programme of sessions at the Coronation Hall, where she will alternate with other artists including Artspace Green Room artist Fran Riley. More info from the Coro.