Alex's 'obby 'oss continues to acquire substance and exudes a weird authority.
These fine photos from Lindsay Ward catch the skull after receiving a few layers of Worbla, a modelling material made up of wood dust and glue in sheet form. You heat it, and mould it around a template or armature.

Sat alongside Alex's masks, with the sunlight creeping through the cottage windows, and caught under the low ceilings, the skull has the look of something unearthed, awaiting notice of its purpose.
See more of Lindsay's images here..

The cottage is rarely quiet, even at night. Traffic constantly rolls by, but every now and then a hidden mic can pick up the cottages own voice...a creak, a rumble or the movement of some tiny occupant. I played these and a few recordings of Ulverston after-hours through a vibration speaker on the cottage writing desk.
Our visitors again included photographer
Dennis Metcalfe, who wrote some kind words on social media and supplied some more photos..this has helped to introduce our work to a lot of people, and we'll be including their comments here, so thank you Dennis.
in The John Barrow Cottage this morning to find John Kenneth Hall
left and Alex Blackmore beavering away at the table, the bright
sunlight slightly spoils the photo, managed to persuade them to pose
in another room next to one of Alex's creations, took one photo with
the light on which shows the reflection of the window on the wall.
It's fantastic to see the cottage being put to good use at last, and
though only small really is worth visiting as there's a lot of
material and information about John Barrow there, besides the fact
that it's a really interesting building
This is Dennis' photo on the left. Other visitors included Human Organist and Blast Furnace member Neil Wade , and our Dragley Beck neighbour Estelle who kindly brought us a cold jug of cordial, as the day was so hot.
Thank you Estelle, that was just the job.