1 Where are we?
2 Who knows what is going on in the past?
Demeters have loosed their cargo on the shores of our imaginations in
recent years . Fears of the Other, traceable back to the Eisenhower
years side with techno savvy folk devils of northern Europe and
floats on the surface is only the most recent manifestation of what
occupies the depths. The calendar cant contain this stuff; it shows
up when it is ready.

Large Photos: Lindsay Ward Photography
19 2018. Publicised with surreptitious fliers and a last minute Short
Notice, the Short Ritual and its participants muster in a light
drizzle under the Christmas lights.
the year whether suspended from the workshop beams and caught in
the sunlight under the low cottage ceilings, the skull has aquired
the look of something unearthed, awaiting notice of its
feet plus of occupied hollow, A Tower of muslin, backpack, poles
and modelling material, the oss soon attracts a crowd.
Others are drawn out from the pubs by outriders.
harmonica, caught in the same wind that caused the oss to sway,
makes the pace and calls the Human Organs Pipe band to order at 6.30
with a tune that has made its own slow progress from Derbyshire, via
Staffordshire, the East Coast and the West Riding to Ulverston.
2 Who knows what is going on in the past?
hollow eyesockets, full of animating shadows waiting to be read.
them down, and you find familiar undirected energies and well-
seasoned imaginations at work.
Routines. Manners and amusements..stuff we do because we do it, and
because we always have. But why do it at all? Why do it that first
time, on a spring day or a winter evening? In a white shift or a

is infused with suburban dread; the glint of metal under
streetlights,neighborhoods under lockdown, houses not quite big
enough to hide in.
are just the ripples on the surface of a deeper, shared vocabulary; a
dark pool of imagery to draw from in order to confront and deflect
fear. For all their current prominence, cinema, tv and netflix are

is habit and routine in costume. It grows in the cracks. Gangs,
groups, working units all build their own mythology from the
mundanities of their downtime; confirming and reinforcing their
identity. Significance is visited on the inconsequential details of
the journey between explosions of expression and activity.
the time for such explosions is long gone they provide a link between
the past and the present.

The 'Oss.. Just last week, unannounced, while Storm Diana drew its
breath after midnight, the 'Oss went walking.
the library, it was accused of dogging, and drew an apology from a
couple in a car.
New Market street the oss was met by a rising shield of iphone
screens. Slowed down and shared east, it was seen in Poland
before it swung into Market Cross.
pubs were shaking off the last drinkers after the folk session; the
songs and stories tailing off as the oss approached. It bowed and
they patted its muzzle and wished it well.
Stretton 'oss song isn't very old. Its blend of
Dance tunes and comic absurdity place it at mid 20th
Century. Outside its native Derbyshire the song has showed up in
North Yorkshire,South Yorkshire, and Staffordshire. In Cumbria it's
ghoulish implications echo local legends of bestiaries, circus
parades and elephant burials on Quaker land.
the 21st Century ,sans lyric and miles apart a Notts Folk fiddler
doubles up on guitar and reinstates its charm...
lyric – where it is used - is absurd. In other branches of its
family the oss may be a memento mori, or a screaming street
drunkard, or a vessel for a generalised rebirth clad in overtones of
mischief. In the Stretton song it is malevolent; it is a killer.
This brutal version comes from an audience tape made in Scarborough in the 80's.
This brutal version comes from an audience tape made in Scarborough in the 80's.
menace is belied by the cartoonish appearance of the Ostler and the
players. In Derbyshire their heads – as distinct from masks - take
on the primary school colours and dauby
aesthetic of the mischievous
oss, their fixed stare equally dumb or maniacal.
is St George?”
is none of the sunshine and fresh enamel that light up Mayday; no
dazzle of crisp white shirts and no red ribbons dancing in and out
of summer shadows. The oss cavorts in the bounceback of whitelight
from the wet pavements. His bleached fabric billows like a ghost ship
sail against a winter sky.
May Day rites call for the oss to parade and charge with energy and
gusto , here his stage is contained. His progress is slow; his
revels are the stamping feet and frosty breath of cold rnornings and
colder nights. Rather than rebirth there is a sense of a challenge ; if these sticks can stir, then why
not yours?
3. Where were we?
the roads are busy. Traffic passes around and behind the oss,
supermarket staff on breaks watch from ginnels, works do's spill
downhill from the railway station, the oss is a meander to be
join in at the Ostler's invitation. Cymbals clash and roll true. He
delivers his headmasterly final address and then the tune begins
is an act of affirmation: nether celebration or commemoration. Just a
reminder that we are still here and that we know what it is that has
kept us here.
by the Ostler – who has accompanied the Oss on his journey into
town, and will see him home - the crowd inspect the oss, and festoon him. As he
turns to leave, a hollowed, glowing onion bounces against his skirt.
"What benefit can historians derive from the study of invented tradition? First
and foremost, it may be suggested that they are important
and therefore indicators of problems which might not
be recognized, and developments which are otherwise
to identify and to date. They are evidence."
Eric Hobsbawm, "The Invention Of Tradition", Hobsbawm/Ranger
appears that the need to define one's community as valid -- by
reference to an historic past -- is most acute when that community is
only just established or is in decline."
Koren, Amazon review of Hobsbawm/Ranger
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